seeking forgiveness & repentance


The act for which we perform tawbah (repentance) and istighfaar (seeking forgiveness) is not necessarily a sin, or an act of disobedience to Allah; it also includes our shortcomings. As we realize Allah's immense favors to us, all of our thankfulness and devotion clearly appears to be inadequate. 





Self-realisation and self-knowledge is a prerequisite for the revival of the Muslim Ummah and its upliftment from the depths of self-doubt and retrogression. It is only through self-realisation that a person can take control of his life and forge his own destiny. Self-realisation leads to self-respect, self-worth and self-reliance, thus releasing a person’s full potential and therefore the capacity to achieve success, in this world and the next. 

sex and sexuality in islam


In Islam, sexuality enjoys a privileged status and the right to the pleasures of sex is stated forcefully. Islam affirms a lyrical view of life. Indeed from the outset the sensual dimension of sexuality is recognized. To the biological and ethical dimensions of love, the Quran adds another that is essentially aesthetic. Love as a ludic, playful activity is also part of Allah’s bounties. 



sex education & masturbation


Both the Qur'an and the Sunnah are explicit on matters of sex and sex education. The object is to create an open, balanced and responsible attitude opposed to treating sex as a completely taboo subject which gives rise to feelings of guilt nor treating it in a completely casual and immoral manner without the due regard to the modesty and respect that something as intimate and personal as sexual life demands. 



The Holy Prophet [s] once said, “Oh ‘Ali, you are very much like ‘Isa(Jesus). The Jews bore such intense malice and enmity against him that they, even slandered his mother, Maryam, and the Christians bore him so much love that they exalted him to a rank that was not his”.