tragedy & divine intent

The convergence between Uhud and our contemporary setbacks is instructive. The perennial Qur'aanic guidance is instructive to Muslims suffering today. In a fight for truth, if Muslims are hurt, be sure the adversary has suffered hurt also, the more so as he has no faith to sustain him. Success or failure in this world comes to all at varying times: We must not grumble, as we do not see the whole of Allah's Plan. Men's true mettle is known in adversity as gold is assayed in fire. Martyrdom is in itself an honour and a privilege; how glorious is the fame of Hamzah [r] the Martyr? If there is any dross in us, it will be purified by resistance and struggle. When evil is given rope a little, it works out its own destruction: the orgies of cruelty indulged in by the Pagans after what they supposed to be their victory at Uhud filled up their cup of iniquity; it lost them the support and adherence of the best in their own ranks, and hastened the destruction of Paganism from Arabia. The very same is unfolding today.



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